The Inland Empire Geographic Information System (IEGIS) User Group is made up of GIS professionals throughout the Inland Empire which includes Riverside, San Bernardino, and a portion of East Los Angeles counties. The IEGIS User Group was started to support members in the public and private sectors, provide networking opportunities, encourage knowledge sharing, showcase projects, and to keep members current on the evolving technology within GIS.
The group meets on a quarterly basis at different locations. It is preferred that the hosting location switch between Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to provide opportunities to those agencies that may have travel restrictions. The format of the meeting is loosely structured, but usually consists of announcements, user presentations, tips and tricks session, and a business partner presentation. The announcements keep the GIS community aware of local, regional, and state group agendas and issues. The user presentations highlight what other agencies are doing and how they are utilizing the GIS tools and software. This is also an opportunity for others to ask questions and learn how they can do similar projects in their workplace. The business partner presentations introduce new products, data sources, and services that may be of interest to users in the group.
The IEGIS group provides great opportunities to a GIS professional. The knowledge that is gained in these meetings directly benefits the agency and in turn the community. While the meetings are open to anyone who is interested, the majority of members are from public agencies. A high percentage of the user presentations that are shown include GIS solutions that benefit residents either through information regarding public services or to make their community a better place. Examples include bus routing, citizen engagement\crowdsourcing applications, park and open space map applications, and public utility outage report applications to name a few.